A MATLAB GUI for automated phase-changing and characterization of actively-tunable optical filters.
The developed MATLAB application can be utilized to automatically tune and characterize phase-changing optical filters. The tuning is enabled by a pulsed laser, function generator, and oscilloscope that are automatically controlled through MATLAB. A bandpass linear variable filter (LVF) and infrared (IR) camera enable the characterization.The linear variable filter (LVF) enables compact, low-cost, and in situ measurement of the tunable filter’s bandpass center wavelength.
Download and install MATLAB.
Install the following toolboxes: Control Systems Toolbox, Image Processing Toolbox, Instrument Control Toolbox.
Download and install the FLIR File Reader SDK for MATLAB.
Download and install the LVF characterization MATLAB GUI by clicking lvf_characterization.mlappinstall.
The required instrument drivers will vary depending on your instrument’s manufacturer and model. Any oscilloscope and function generator that utilizes an underlying IVI-C driver can be utilized with the developed GUI. Below are instructions for utilizing a Tekronix DPO-, MDO-, or MSO-class oscilloscope.
Oscilloscope and Function Generator
Linear Variable Filter
FLIR SC8000 Series IR camera